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  • Vincent Systems GmbH | Handprothese | Karlsruhe

    VINCENTaqua More Information we love perfection waterproof to IP67 | extremely light movable single fingers First multiarticulating hand prosthesis for children and young adults VINCENTyoung3+ waterproof to IP68 flexible finger | new design VINCENTevolution4 waterproof to IP68 | active partial hand system | individually adaptable VINCENTpartial4 more videos VINCENTpartial passive VINCENTwork VINCENTpower flex USB-C VINCENTwrist Software Accesories neo1 Exoskeleton VINCENTvr Training system Innovationen INNOVATIONS neo1 - World's first under-clothing myoelectric exoskeleton for the upper limb With neo1, Vincent Systems presents the breakthrough myoelectric exoskeleton designed specifically for users with limited upper extremity functionality, especially to compensate for paralysis caused by stroke and plexus injuries. This innovative technology uses advanced myoelectric control in conjunction with powerful micromotors in the elbow and hand areas to help users with their mobility and independence challenges due to their limitations. VINCENTaqua – waterproof neoprene cuff Swimming or stand-up paddling with a prosthetic hand? No problem! With the custom-made neoprene cuff your prosthetic socket is protected from water.* Available in classic black or with printed wave design in blue, green or violet. VINCENTevolution4 available in 25 different color combinations! Five different base colors give the VINCENTevolution4 an individual and unique design. The colors black, white, pearl white, transparent and natural are available in combination with four different metallic colors and titan. A colour change of the coloured silicone parts is possible at any time. METALLIC COLOURS: black | gold | blue | copper VINCENTevolution4 and VINCENTevolution3+ When it comes to evolution, we are right at the forefront. With the VINCENTevolution4, we have launched the next generation of our most popular myolelectric full hand prostheses. With a new design and new features such as the “squeezable” fingers and optionally the unique 4-channel control, it is our first IP68 waterproof hand prosthesis. Users of the VINCENTevolution3 also have the option of a water protection upgrade as VINCENTevolution3+. VINCENTyoung3 available in four colors Germany's most popular hand prosthesis for children and young adults is now available not only in black, but also in the following special colors: powder blue | natural | blackberry NEWS News Read more OTWorld 2024 Leipzig 14.05 - 17.05.2024 In 2024, the OTWorld in Leipzig once again brought together international leaders from all areas of orthopedic and rehabilitation technology. Of course, Vincent Systems was among the more than 570 global exhibitors. Our interdisciplinary team was supported by patients who presented the latest products live in action. These included the Neo1 exoskeleton, which enriches our portfolio and the everyday lives of various users since its release in 2023. However, the eye-catcher of the exhibition stand, which was designed around the theme of “water”, was the presentation of the new generation of Vincent hand prostheses: The VINCENTevolution5. The high-end myoelectric hand prosthesis boasts uncompromising waterproof properties and additional functions thanks to customizable buttons and an LED display on the back of the hand. Paired with the features that have always characterized Vincent hand prostheses, including high grip strength, precision and an artificial sense of touch, this new generation thoroughly impressed visitors. The VINCENTpartial4 partial hand prosthesis and the VINCENTyoung3+ children's hand prosthesis once again proved their worth. Vincent Systems also contributed to the OTWorld 2024 congress program with the workshops “Myoelectric hand and partial hand systems” and “Myoelectric exoskeleton neo1 with VR training system”, where the VINCENTvr system was presented. After four days full of impressions, encounters and opportunities for exchange, we would like to thank you for your interest in our products, and for the many new and old acquaintances who enrich and inspire our company. We are already looking forward to seeing you again at the OTWorld 2026! ​ VIDEOS Videos Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing "Schmerzen waren unerträglich": Leben nach einer Hand-Amputation | Abendschau | BR24 05:01 Play Video Now Playing Wie lebt man ohne Arm? 09:03 Play Video Now Playing GLOBAL 2021 - Außenwirtschaftspreis der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 02:23 Play Video User Videos Play Video Play Video Peter VINCENTevolution4 Play Video Play Video David VINCENTevolution4 Play Video Play Video Tim VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Britta VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Leon VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Jon VINCENTpartial2 Play Video Play Video Mathias VINCENTwork Play Video Play Video Sören VINCENTevolution2 Play Video Play Video Paul VINCENTevolution2

  • Patents | Vincent Systems

    Patents All our products are registered and protected by the following United States patents: ​ US8491666: VINCENTevolution1, VINCENTevolution3, VINCENTevolution3+, VINCENTevolution4, VINCENTevolution5, VINCENTpartial3, VINCENTpartial3+, VINCENTpartial4, VINCENTyoung3, VINCENTyoung3+ ​ US9072616: VINCENTevolution2, VINCENTpartial2, VINCENTyoung2 and by the following German and European patents: ​ DE102014011554, DE102017005765, DE102016014090, DE102017010840, DE102017007794, DE102008056520, DE202014003565, DE202017000172, DE102017005761, DE102017005762, DE102017005764, DE102012005041, EP2364129 and others. ​ ​

  • Company | Vincent Systems

    Vincent Systems is a young, dynamic, internationally oriented company from Karlsruhe with customers in Europe, Asia and North America. Vincent Systems GmbH was founded in May 2009 by CEO Dr Stefan Schulz.

  • VINCENTmobile App TRAINING | Vincent Systems

    Close Up VINCENTmobile App ​ TRAINING ​ The grasping scheme is illustrated here. Additionally, the grasp the prosthesis is currently in as well as an animation of how the prosthesis fingers are supposed to move is displayed here. ​ Here you can train the numerous grasps of the VINCENT hand prostheses. Up

  • VINCENTyoung3+ | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTyoung3+ Waterproof to IP67 | Modern look | Anatomical design | High grip strength | Compact, lightweight, robust Various wrist types | Numerous grip types, selectable at any time | Easy to use | Available in four colors With VINCENTyoung3+, we are introducing the third generation of the world's unique multi-articulating hand prosthesis for children and young adults. ​ Depending on the child’s individual development, use from the age of 8 is recommended. But even with adolescents, the anatomically shaped, particularly light hand can be the first choice. For young adults who have somewhat larger hands, the VINCENTevolution4 (size XS), which is about one centimeter longer, can also be considered. ​ Thanks to its lightweight construction, the prosthesis scores with its low weight (approx. 350 g ) and robustness, which is extremely important for active everyday activities. ​ The VINCENTyoung3+ is waterproof to IP67. Hand washing under running water is possible without any problems, provided that the design of the prosthesis shaft also permits this. ​ In terms of finger strength, speed and an opening width of 80 mm, the functionality extends to that of the larger models. Three of the four motors in the hand move the long fingers independently of each other in the base joint, with the ring and little fingers moving together. The long fingers are designed to be immobile in the middle and end phalanx. From the middle joint onwards, a spring element extends to the fingertip, which supports an adaptive grip when holding objects. ​ The thumb is moved by the fourth motor independently of the fingers. The base of the thumb can be pivoted passively and laterally via a 90° joint. ​ An easy and quick-to-learn control system allows the user to select from 13 different grips using muscle signals. The specially tailored training app and learning games support children and young people in getting to know the control system, making the hand easy to operate after a short time. ​ The VINCENTyoung3+ is available in four color options: powder blue, black, blackberry and natural. ​ As with the VINCENTevolution4, the VINCENTyoung3+ also offers a choice of four wrist variants. The hand can be worn with a textile cosmetic glove from GF. glove factory UG . However, it is usually used without a glove, because: It “just looks cool”. Flyer VINCENTyoung3 Technical specifications Flyer VINCENTwrist Size and weight chart Grasps VINCENTyoung3+ Textile Gloves & Accessories VINCENTyoung3+ we love perfection

  • Fluidhand7 | Vincent Systems

    2004 - Fluidhand 7 Up The Fluidhand 7 is designed as an experimental hand. It is used to develop new control methods and to test a new tank system that is capable of storing energy. The hand therefore has one valve for each of the 8 drives. A type of spring accumulator was developed for the hydraulic tank, which allows the hand to be closed quickly and silently without the hydraulic pump operating. Due to the large number of new and experimental components, the metacarpus has turned out to be significantly larger than the previous model, but at this stage of development, the anatomical shape and size of the hand is not a priority. ​ For the hydraulic system, experiments were carried out with a tank that allows energy recovery when the hand is opened. The tank consists of a rigid outer shell and an elastic tank bladder inside. Between the outer shell and the tank bubble is a two-phase gas under constant pressure of 2 bar. In the intermediate space, just enough gas is formed from the liquid aggregate state until a constant pressure is reached. When the hand is opened, gas is formed; when it is closed, it is compressed into liquid, at a constant working pressure of 2 bar at room temperature. The internal diaphragm with the hydraulic fluid is thus under the pressure of the gas. When a valve is opened, a finger joint is already moved without the hydraulic pump having been activated. The pump can then build up even greater grasping force with a time delay. In this way, very dynamic and also noiseless finger movements are possible. When the drives are emptied, the water is pressed back into the tank, against the pressure of the two-phase gas, and the system is ready for the next grasping process. Up

  • VINCENTmobile App HOME | Vincent Systems

    Close Zum ersten Mal schwimmen, Stand-Up-Paddling und schnorcheln mit Handprothese. Von Peter ​ Bisher war ich nie ein guter Schwimmer und wenn ich im Wasser war, hatte ich mehr Spaß am Tauchen und Springen vom Brett, als am reinen Schwimmen. Da fühlte ich mich eher wie ein Klotz im Wasser. ​ Mit der VINCENTaqua hat sich dies für mich geändert. Bei der VINCENTevolution4 ist die Hand und auch das Handgelenk schon standardmäßig wasserdicht. Mit der Neoprenstulpe wird das auch der komplette Prothesenschaft; schnell drübergezogen und schon kann es losgehen. ​ Als ich ins Wasser gegangen bin, war ich zunächst noch etwas unsicher, wie ich mich bewegen müsste. Tatsächlich aber, fühlte es sich von Beginn sehr intuitiv an und ich musste gar nicht viel nachdenken, denn die Bewegungen kamen wie von allein. So sollte sich Schwimmen immer anfühlen, einfach natürlich! ​ Das Schnorcheln verlief auch von Anfang an problemlos. Da ich der erste war, der die Neoprenstulpe testen durfte, waren wir gespannt, ob die Stulpe so gut funktioniert wie geplant; und das tat sie. Auch unter Wasser konnte ich sogar die Prothese noch ansteuern und Stefan ein Handzeichen geben, dass alles funktioniert. ​ Als letztes wollten wir Stand-Up-Paddling testen. Hier musste ich zuerst die richtige Balance finden, um nicht vom Board zu fallen. Anschließend habe ich kurz getestet, welche Handhaltung die beste ist und konnte lospaddeln. Sobald ich die Bewegung und wie das Board zu steuern war verinnerlicht hatte, war ich auch hier positiv überrascht, wie instinktiv ich die Prothese nutzen konnte. ​ Dadurch kann ich sagen, dass die VINCENTaqua Neoprenstulpe eine super Ergänzung zur Prothese ist. Mit ihr ist es möglich schwimmen, schorcheln und paddeln zu gehen, ohne sich Gedanken über die Prothese machen muss und das Wasser nun endlich voll und ganz genießen kann. Für mich eine tolle Sache!

  • Events | Vincent Systems

    Events OTWorld 2024 REHAB 2023 VINCENT Symposium 2023 LVampNRW 10th anniversary OTWorld 2022 VINCENT Symposium 2019

  • VINCENTmobile App HOME | Vincent Systems

    Close Erfahrungsbericht - AKTUALISIEREN Von Isabelle ​ Hi, ich bin Isabelle, trage eine myoelektrische Oberarmprothese und bin seit 2020 stolze Besitzerin meiner VINCENTevolution3. ​ Ich muss schon sagen, als ich das allererste Mal alleine mit der Hand im Alltag dastand, war ich dezent überfordert. Die Steuerung der Hand erfordert Umdenken: Kein intuitives Zugreifen mehr, sondern aktive Anspannung meiner Bizeps- und Trizeps-Muskelsignale. Das ist für den Ungeübten anstrengend, sowohl für die Muskeln als auch fürs Gehirn. 16 verschiedene Griffe können mit diesen zwei Muskelsignalen anhand eines Griffschemas angesteuert werden. Da stand ich also und versuchte mir auszumalen, welcher Griff am ehesten dazu geeignet war, diese Teebeutel-Verpackung zu öffnen. Anschließend strengte ich krampfhaft meine grauen Zellen an, um mir das Griffschema in Erinnerung zu rufen, damit ich weiß, in welcher Kombination ich meine Muskeln anspannen muss, um in diesen Griff zu gelangen. Und dann erst konnte ich die Aktion starten. ​ Anfangs musste ich in Kauf nehmen, dass Alltagsaktivitäten deutlich mehr Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, als wenn ich sie einfach mit einer Hand erledigen würde. Ich musste Geduld, Willensstärke und Nachsichtigkeit mir selbst gegenüber zeigen und stets hochkonzentriert und vorsichtig die Steuerung der Prothese etablieren. Doch ich wollte unbedingt, dass diese coole Hand mit all ihren Funktionen ein Teil von mir wird. So habe ich konsequent und überall im Alltag mit ihr geübt, wo es möglich war. ​ Übung macht den Meister und das Gehirn ist durchaus in der Lage, umzulernen. Durch meinen Einsatz habe ich schnell Fortschritte gemerkt: Die Steuerung funktioniert schneller und flüssiger, Erfolgserlebnisse nehmen zu, ich werde geschickter im Umgang mit der Prothese. Tassen zerschellen nicht mehr auf dem Boden, Flaschen werden nicht mehr mit voller Kraft zusammengedrückt und ich muss nicht mehr zusätzliche Zeit für Alltagsaktivitäten einplanen. Die Ansteuerung der Griffe funktioniert automatisch, das Griffschema hat sich eingeprägt. ​ Mittlerweile ist die Prothese ein Teil von mir geworden, den ich nicht mehr missen möchte. Nun wäre ich aufgeschmissen, wenn ich das Leben nur noch mit einem Arm beschreiten würde. In so vielen Alltagssituationen hilft mir die Prothese: Beim Schuhe Zubinden, beim Verpackungen Öffnen oder aber beim Öffnen meiner Wohnungstür, diese muss man nämlich mit einer Hand heranziehen, während man den Schlüssel im Schloss dreht. Ich habe die Vincent-Hand mit all ihren Vorteilen zu schätzen gelernt. Präzision und Feinmotorik der Hand sind unglaublich, mit dem Pinzettengriff kann ich sogar die kleinen Laschen von Joghurtbechern greifen und aufreißen. Anhand von Vibrationsfeedback beim Zugreifen konnte ich außerdem mit der Zeit eine Art Tastsinn etablieren. Ich kann mittlerweile genau einschätzen, wie fest ich mit der Hand zugreife und wann die aufgewendete Kraft ausreichend ist und wann nicht. Die Prothese hat mir Selbstständigkeit, Akzeptanz, Normalität im Alltag und ein Gefühl von Vollständigkeit gegeben. Sie ist mir kein Fremdkörper mehr, die Prothese ist jetzt mein Arm.

  • VINCENTwrist | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTwrist Wrist joints for adults and children | Standard, extra short, adjustable flexion | Low weight | Short length quicksnap | quicksnap+flexion | short | short+flexion VINCENTwrist quicksnap The standard wrist joint makes it possible to quickly and easily attach and remove the hand prosthesis. The joint offers compatibility with other systems such as DynamicArm or Boston Digital Arm™. ​ VINCENTwrist short Our transcarpal joint convinces with its uniquely low mounting depth and is therefore also suitable for long arm stumps. In addition to the prosthesis-side joint, the shaft-side casting ring (24.7 g / 0.05 lb) is also particularly light. ​ The standard wrist and the transcarpal joint can be rotated noiselessly and gridlessly. The force required for rotation can be individually adjusted for each user. Both wrists can be combined with the joint VINCENTwrist flexion that can be angled. ​ VINCENTwrist flexion The joint has a large range of movement and allows for flexion from -54° to +54°. lt is particularly suitable for bilateral users due to its switchless operation. The position is changed by pulling, moving and releasing. ​ Our four wrist options are characterized by their low mounting depths. ​ Due to the intelligent multi-material-mix, the wrists are particularly light and at the same time very robust and corrosion resistant. ​ Flyer VINCENTwrist Technical specifications VINCENTwrist quicksnap | quicksnap+flexion short | short+flexion we love perfection

  • VINCENT Symposium 2023 | Vincent Systems

    VINCENT Symposium 2023 Close

  • VINCENTpartial3+ active | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTpartial3+ Waterproof to IP67 | Modular design | Individually customizable | Single Finger Control Light and compact | Numerous grip types, selectable at any time | Available in titanium The VINCENTpartial3+ is the third generation of our prosthesis series for partial hand fittings with motor-driven single fingers and thumbs. ​ The VINCENTpartial3+ is the waterproof design variant of the VINCENTpartial3. Hand washing under running water is possible without any problems, provided that the design of the prosthesis shaft also permits this. ​ The prosthesis can be adapted to different fitting situations thanks to our modular system. The fingers, thumb, control unit and batteries can be placed individually to accommodate an anatomical reconstruction of the hand, as far as technically possible. ​ The fingers and thumb are attached to the prosthesis stem via a steel frame concept. This determines the hand width as well as the position and orientation of the fingers. Control can be done via EMG sensors using muscle tension or via tactile FSR sensors. Grasp selection and proportional control of the fingers follow our standardized control concept. Numerous different grips can be achieved by timed opening and closing signals as long as four long fingers and a thumb are used. If fewer electrically operated fingers are used, the grasp types are reduced accordingly. Alternatively the Single Finger Control (SFC) method can be used to control as many as 5 fingers individually by up to 5 input sensors. This makes a more intuitive and faster usage of the prosthesis possible. ​ The fingers and thumb are made of a high-strength aluminum alloy. We also offer a special version in titanium. For a secure grasp, all components have a rubber coating. As with all our models, the index finger tip is touchscreen-compatible. ​ The particularly powerful, compact, and at the same time robust design of our partial hand prosthesis is unique and sets us apart from all other solutions. This makes the prosthesis particularly suitable for everyday use. High quality and outstanding design go without saying. Flyer VINCENTpartial3+ Technical specifications Photo gallery VINCENTpartial3+ we love perfection

  • Recht / AGB | Vincent Systems

    Rights / Terms & Conditions Image and video credits ​ Photographers: ​ Vincent Systems GmbH ​ Andreas Eichelmann ​ Ansgar Pudenz ​ ​ ​ ​ Videos: ​ Vincent Systems GmbH ​ Vita Orta ​ ​ ​ Locations: ​ Vincent Systems GmbH ​ The Door - Liquid Kitchen & Highballs General terms and conditions

  • Press & Downloads | Vincent Systems

    Press & Downloads Press material Downloads

  • Fluidhand6 | Vincent Systems

    2003 - Fluidhand 6 Up The Fluidhand 6 is a particularly compact version of the hydraulic hand prosthesis, reduced to the essentials. The index, middle and ring fingers are each moved in the base joint via a flexible bellows drive, the little finger is mechanically coupled to the ring finger, and the middle finger is hydraulically coupled to the ring finger. The thumb is actuated in the basic joint. In this way, the thumb and index finger can be moved separately, while the other fingers move together. The 4 drives are controlled by a 3 valve bank, the miniature pump sucks distilled water from a pressure storage tank to pump it into the drive chambers. The weight of the hand is about 350 g. The aluminum fingers were covered with a PU foam. In the basic joints, all long fingers have an elastically mounted abduction. ​ At this stage of development, experiments were carried out with different variants of the fluid hand, with the number of joints and drives as well as the required valves being varied considerably. The aim was to find an optimum between size, anatomical design and weight on the one hand and functionality on the other. Extremely reduced versions with only 4 drives and three valves, such as the Fluidhand 6, were built, which could be designed in this way to be very small, light and anatomical. This version of the Fluidhand is a particularly interesting candidate for a robust prosthesis suitable for everyday use, since the smallest number of hydraulic components was installed here. The systems are very light throughout, but also very complex in terms of the physical effects that occur, such as cavitation or the problem of changing material parameters, especially the elastic drives and connecting hoses in the course of operation, as well as wear and corrosion on the valves and the pump. Up

  • Fluidhand2 | Vincent Systems

    1999 - Fluidhand 2 Up The new planar technology for manufacturing fluidic drives and kinematics was therefore ideally suited for actively moving miniature catheters and endoscopes. However, the forces achievable with planar film drives, which operate at a working pressure of 0.5-1 bar, were too low for the construction of an artificial hand. To generate higher grasping forces, a correspondingly higher working pressure had to act in the fluidic drives. For Fluidhand 2, “artificial muscles” based on thin silicone hoses were therefore used, which were sheathed with a flexurally flexible, stretch-resistant fabric made of polyamide. ​ The tubes of the Fluidhand 2 were unfolded in the finger joints. When subjected to an overpressure of up to 4 bar, the joints expanded unilaterally and realized a curvature in the opposite joint direction. Each finger of the hand has two pneumatic muscles, the thumb has three, the wrist has four. The extension is done by a rubber band. The joint and support structure in the fingers, thumb and hand, was made of fiber-reinforced composite material. The artificial hand scored with its consistently soft and compliant structure, very fast movements and pronounced adaptability when grasping. The grasping forces achieved were around 2.5 N per finger. Objects heavier than 500 g could not yet be grasped with this hand. As in Fluidhand 1, the hand was driven by compressed air, which meant that a powerful compressor was required to operate the hand. Up

  • Datenschutzinformationen | Vincent Systems

    Privacy Policy Bei der Zusendung Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen werden Ihre Bewerber- und Bewerbungsdaten von uns zur Abwicklung des Bewerbungsverfahrens elektronisch erhoben und verarbeitet. Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung ist § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG i.V.m. Art. 88 Abs. 1 DSGVO. Sofern nach dem Bewerbungsverfahren ein Arbeitsvertrag geschlossen wird, speichern wir Ihre bei der Bewerbung übermittelten Daten in Ihrer Personalakte zum Zwecke des üblichen Organisations- und Verwaltungsprozesses – dies natürlich unter Beachtung der weitergehenden rechtlichen Verpflichtungen. Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung ist ebenfalls § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG i.V.m. Art. 88 Abs. 1 DSGVO. Bei der Zurückweisung einer Bewerbung löschen wir die uns übermittelten Daten automatisch drei Monate nach der Bekanntgabe der Zurückweisung. Rechtsgrundlage ist in diesem Fall Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO und § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 BDSG. Unser berechtigtes Interesse liegt in der Rechtsverteidigung bzw. -durchsetzung. Sofern Sie ausdrücklich in eine längere Speicherung Ihrer Daten einwilligen, bspw. für Ihre Aufnahme in eine Bewerber- oder Interessentendatenbank, werden die Daten aufgrund Ihrer Einwilligung weiterverarbeitet. Rechtsgrundlage ist dann Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO. Ihre Einwilligung können Sie aber natürlich jederzeit nach Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO durch Erklärung uns gegenüber mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen. ​ ​

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